
Uterine Fibroid Treatment

The Acessa procedure is a minimally invasive procedure designed to treat uterine fibroids without damaging healthy tissue. This is a uterine-sparing technique and an alternative to a hysterectomy, and patients can return home the same day with little to no pain medication.

The Acessa Procedure

Acessa FAQs

What are uterine fibroids?

Uterine fibroids are benign (non-cancerous) tumors that develop in or on the uterus. Their size, shape and location can vary significantly. Uterine fibroids are relatively common—they occur most frequently in women aged 30-40 years old, but can occur at any age. Typically, women find out they have fibroids during a physical exam or ultrasound.

What are the symptoms of uterine fibroids?

Common uterine fibroid symptoms include: periods that last longer than a week, heavy periods causing bleeding through clothes, pain and pressure in your pelvis, legs or lower back, unexplained exhaustion (may be anemia), frequent urges to use the restroom.

How does Acessa work?

Acessa works by delivering heat (radiofrequency) directly into a fibroid to destroy the proteins of the fibroid tissue. The consistency of the fibroid changes from being hard like a baseball to soft like a marshmallow. 2,3

When do I feel relief? Is it proven?

After treatment, the fibroid continues to shrink over time. Other symptoms like heavy, long periods and appearing pregnant when you’re not can take 3+ months to improve. 4

Many patients see the most relief within 3 months, and continuing improvement out to 12 months and beyond. 4

The Acessa procedure has been objectively measured with clinical data, proving efficacy, published in over 49 peer-reviewed publications and performed on over 4000 women. 6

Steps of the Acessa Procedure

Step 1. Prep — You are prepped and brought into the operating room for anesthesia.

Step 2. Access — Your physician makes three small incisions.

Step 3. Visualize — Each fibroid is precisely located with the Acessa ultrasound probe and guidance mapping technology, allowing a full view of your uterus.

Step 4. Deploy — The tip of the Acessa handpiece is deployed into the fibroid, while preserving healthy uterine tissue.

Step 5. Treat — Controlled heat is deployed to each fibroid to destroy the tissue and is repeated until every targeted fibroid is fully treated.

Step 6. Recover – Most patients get cleared to go home the same day.

Patient Testimonials

“I didn’t think there was another option. I even had a hysterectomy scheduled. I’m so glad I found Acessa.” —Sharon (Age 41)

“Life after Acessa is life without constantly carrying a bag of pads and tampons.” —Brandi (Age 34)


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1. Mayo Clinic—Uterine Fibroids—

2. Lee BB, Yu SP. Radiofrequency Ablation of Uterine Fibroids: a Review. Curr Obstet Gynecol Rep. 2016;5(4):318–324. doi:10.1007/s13669-016-0183-x

3. Leppert PC, Jayes FL, Segars JH. The extracellular matrix contributes to mechanotransduction in uterine fibroids. Obstet Gynecol Int. 2014;2014:783289. doi:10.1155/2014/783289

4. SG Chudnoff, et al. Outpatient Procedure for the Treatment and Relief of Symptomatic Uterine Myomas. Obstetrics and Gynecology, 2013;121(5):1075-82.

5. DI Galen, MD, KB Isaacson, MD. BB Lee, MD, Does menstrual bleeding decrease after ablation of intramural fibroids? A retrospective study. J Minim Invasive Gynecol 2013; 20(6):830-835.

6. Acessa Health Corporate data, proprietary system

7. Tsuzuki, Y., Tsuzuki, S., Wada, S., Fukushi, Y., & Fujino, T. (2019, January). Recovery of quality of life after laparoscopic myomectomy. Retrieved from